FOCUS on FLAX FOR FIBRE & SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACIDS (SCFAs) Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks



The Fibre in flax can be support for health, digestion, Immune system and Weight Control. Flax is an exceptionally good source of fibre that can help your body from the inside to the outside and its especially good for the bit in the middle. It’s down to the unique types of fibre in flax that makes it work so well. It increases the varieties and quantities of good gut bugs which turn fibre into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which support health from your brain to skin.

These postbiotics SCFAs from ground flaxseed can help support the metabolism to help control weight and reduce waist size.
Increasing Fibre can be a healthful AID TO WEIGHT CONTROL

In the media doctors tell us we should eat more fibre and Flaxseed is an easy way to do it. In the office, my colleagues and I all eat our ground Flaxseed, Flax Porridge and Flaxjacks. This week we have been discussing our flatter tummies and the weight we’ve lost since starting with Flaxseed – all of us at an age other women complain about how hard it is to lose weight. There have been other benefits too, including heart health, comfortable digestion and less sensitive skin, a topic the late Dr Michael Mosely covered.

From a practical point of view we just eat sensibly and make sure we get a good daily helping or two of ground flax and the weight takes care of itself.
There’s a lot of science behind it but these are the areas it helps in.
1. Helps you feel you feel fuller so you consume fewer calories
2. Slows the rate you absorb and digest food which extends the period you
don’t feel hungry
3. Forms a gel that slows sugar digestion and reduces blood sugar spike
which helps you store less fat
4. Promotes appetite-reducing hormones
5. Reduces cravings
6. Can help you feel less hungry and eat less the next day
7. More fibre in the gut makes the walls of the intestine work more, burning
more calories day and night
8. Increases the good gut bugs that produce postbiotics, short-chain fatty
acids (SCFAs) including butyrate, which speeds up the rate your body burns
Just 1-2 Tablespoons of ground flaxseed, once or twice a day, or a helping of Flax Farm Flax Porridge or
Muesli are a great a great way to start getting the benefits of increasing your daily intake of fibre.
If you are trying to look after your digestive health and your metabolism benefits of postbiotics on metabolic health look to Flax Farm ground flax products which are prebiotic.
This means they develop your gut microbiome which makes the compounds that support health of the gut and metabolism.
Flax for weight control and to keep you feeling warmer.
Flax is a lovely autumn food with the hidden benefit of helping boost the metabolism to keep you warm and burn off spare calories which will help you lose weight.
Several components in flax aids weight loss, the insoluble and soluble fibre helps keep you feeling fuller, omega-3 helps wake up and increase your BAT cells (Brown Adipose Tissue which is the body’s internal central heating mechanism) and in addition, flax feeds the good gut bugs that favour slimness.
Flax is so good that Dr Michael Gregor, a physician who specialises in clinical nutrition, author of How Not to Die and How Not to Diet, recommends ground flaxseeds as one of his Daily Dozen for health and weight loss.
The Fat Flush Plan, by Louise Gittleman, published 2001, uses ground flax and flaxseed oil for their weight loss boosting properties.
In his podcast, the late Dr Michael Mosley, highlights the benefits of his flax guinea pig who felt “lighter and brighter”.
Want Lean Muscle?
Flax doesn’t just help people lose weight, it can also help you build lean muscle mass. I and other people I have met have gained lean muscle mass at an age one wouldn’t expect it to happen so easily, Omega-3 is an essential component of healthy muscle, and many body builders use flaxseed Oil to combine with their protein to give them better muscle definition.
Studies have shown that both younger and older adults gained muscle by increasing omega-3 in their diet. To get the omega-3 to help your muscles look at between 2 teaspoons and a couple of tablespoons of Flax Farm Cold-pressed flaxseed oil.

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