Healthier alternative to whipped cream
It looks like cream, tastes like just about like cream (actually I prefer it to cream now) and there’s no saturated fat but lots of omega-3.
Budwig Cream, no saturated fat
- 150 teaspoons Natural Total Greek yoghurt or quark cottage cheese Fat-free
- 50-70 g Flax Farm Cold-Pressed Linseed (Flaxseed) Oil
- A little skimmed milk
- 3 teaspoons raw honey
- vanilla extract to taste about 1/2 to1 teaspoon
- Stevia sweetener or other healthy sweetener to taste About the equivalent sweetening of 2-4 teaspoons
- Mix the yoghurt or quark with the linseed oil very thoroughly, ideally use a stick blender. Add a little milk if it is too thick.
- When thoroughly blended add vanilla, honey and sweetener to taste.
- Now use as whipped cream. Add to fruit, make fools, trifle or make the best ever Eton mess pudding.