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Quick and fun There are several reasons for making your own linseed butter. Firstly it’s [...]
Traditional but gluten-free, healthier, tastier and easier on the tummy We have to say a [...]
Low GI, fresh, delicious and sustaining I’ve just had this for breakfast and it was [...]
Why are there sometimes particles in bottles of linseed/flax seed oil? We are often asked [...]
Kind to the digestion If you have a very sensitive digestion that rebels when you [...]
Yes, you can “fry” with cold-pressed linseed (flax) oil Some people get very worried about [...]
Introducing products to new customers Many of our most enthusiastic customers first come to us [...]
Quick, easy, healthy soup Few ingredients, tastes light, fresh and delicious and super-healthy, this super [...]
Flavour Great tasting vegan and gluten-free bread. How good is that? Try it with our [...]
Recipe for a quick winter booster for wild birds This mix has been loved [...]
My best warming breakfast and a lovely pudding I like to avoid all grains and [...]
Winter Fruit Cake or Christmas Cake If you’ve got a jar of mincemeat left from [...]