Cold-Pressed Linseed Oil for Poultry & Cage Birds
Whole gold linseed and flax plant
DIY-Omega-3 Eggs!
EPA, DHA & ALA, Omega-3 eggs for your health,
For Omega-3 eggs just add the linseed oil to your hens’ corn scatter for their evening feed, or add to some porridge oats which seems to be the way they like it best. Feed at the rate of 500ml per 25Kg ration.
The hens will convert the omega-3 in the linseed oil, AlA, alpha-Linolenic acid partially into DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid and EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid, which are the same sort of omega-3 as you get in fish oils.

For glossy healthy plumage
- Helps dry skin & itching,
- Helps protect against scaly leg mite
- Boosts the immune system
- All-over health
- Aid to fertility and health of chicks

Parrots and Cage Birds.
One of the Flax Farm customers sent us an article from a cage bird magazine; amazingly there was an article by a specialist parrot vet who explained that parrots and other cage birds often get a diet with unbalanced fats in it due to eating too much millet, sunflower seeds (these especially are very high in omega-6) and nuts. This causes the bird to get too much omega-6 and saturated fat which causes a similar collection of health problems to those seen in people when they don’t have enough omega-3 in their diet; arthritic joints, atherosclerosis, heart disease, dry scaly skin, poor quality dull plumage and depression; some birds stop singing and others get fractious, noisy, pull their feather out and have other behavioural problems. The solution was to feed more omega-3 in the form of linseed.
Feeding Whole Linseeds: Top tip
Birds prefer gold linseed to bronze. So if you want to feed whole linseed the gold variety is what your birds want. This applies to all species from wild birds to hens and pigeons. The birds can be a little reluctant to eat the bronze linseeds but take to the gold ones better.
Want to put a gloss on your birds? Linseed is well known for improving the shine on the coats of show horses and dogs, and has a reputation for making pigeons’ feathers more waterproof. So why not give it a try for that extra edge in the show pen or even just because you want your hens to look healthy.