Overnight Flax and Oats Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Overnight Flax and Oats

Overnight flax and oats gluten-free sugar-free

The healthier, tastier alternative to overnight oats and it’s much nicer and more luxurious than ordinary muesli; it’s so good it’s lovely as a dessert too.  My social media accounts have been bombarding me with recipes for “overnight oats”. It’s nothing new, I’ve been making it for years but I have always made it with Flax Porridge – well I would wouldn’t I? It’s so much better in so many ways!!   Many people make overnight oats to be certain they get a good breakfast. If you use Flax Porridge or Muesli it makes a much healthier, better balanced breakfast and it’s delicious. During all my years of doing stalls at farmers’ markets and Borough Market overnight Flax and Oats was a brilliant breakfast that kept me going all day without the temptation to snack.  I still make it now when going on an early car journey. It’s good to have a really nutritious, sustaining meal when you are out instead of buying expensive unhealthy options.   I also love to have a bowl of this waiting for me as a recovery meal after a day out with the dogs. It is always such a treat.

Overnight Flax and Oats

Soaking oats overnight makes them nice and easier to digest. The addition of ground flax by using Flax Farm Flax (Linseed) Porridge or Muesli (gluten-free) makes breakfast amazing.  Overnight flax and oats is even nicer and has a lot of other benefits because of the all the ground flax (linseed) in our breakfast mixes,

  • More flavoursome – lovely rich, linseed, slightly nutty, creamier flavour
  • More nutritious – flax contains nutrients it’s hard to get enough of in the daily diet
  • Great source of omega-3 – a good daily helping of omega-3 much more than in a grilled kipper
  • More digestion friendly fibre – flax fibre is one of the best things for your digestion
  • 33% Less starch and sugars – the ground flaxseed in Flax farm porridge and muesli is virtually carb-free and replaces a third of the starchy carbs in oats with fibre, protein and omega-3
  • More sustaining – flax having so much soluble fibre, protein and omega-3 oil really fills you up more for longer.

Choice of 8 different varieties of Flax Farm porridge and muesli

All eight varieties of Flax Farm Porridge and Muesli are rich in ground flax goodness, no nuts and gluten free. All make brilliant Overnight Flax and Oats. Technically our Special Buckwheat, Quinoa & Flax Porridge is oat-free should be called overnight flax and seeds. It works the same in the recipe and it’s really good.

  • Flax (Linseed) Porirdge
  • Fruity Flax Porridge
  • Summer Flax Porridge
  • Flax Booster Porridge
  • Special Buckwheat, Quinoa & Flax Porridge (Oat-free)
  • Traditional Flax Muesli
  • Super-Seedy Flax Porridge-Muesli

Overnight flax and oats Choice of 8 different varieties of Flax Farm porridge and muesli All are rich in ground flax goodness, no nuts and gluten free. All make brilliant Overnight Flax and Oats but technically we can't call that when made with our Special Buckwheat, Quinoa & Flax Porridge because it's oat-free but it's still really good. Flax (Linseed) Porirdge Fruity Flax Porridge Summer Flax Porridge Flax Booster Porridge Special Buckwheat, Quinoa & Flax Porridge (Oat-free) Traditional Flax Muesli Super-Seedy Flax Porridge-Muesli

Sugar-free or Diabetic Diet?

The good news is there is no added sugar and a third less carbs in Flax Porridge or Super-Seedy Flax Porridge-Muesli and more fibre. Which means Overnight Flax and Oats is a super healthy low GI breakfast. Select low sugar berries such as raspberries, red or black currants and blackberries.  They are packed with flavour, vitamins and phytonutrients. Adding pure cocoa powder, ginger, cinnamon or vanilla extract makes it even more flavoursome and still really healthy.  If using banana or other fruits that are higher in sugary, just have a half portion add in extra ground nuts or nut butter to fill you up in a low GI way.

Protein Powder users?

I only ever use pure unsweetened/unflavoured protein. I find the protein powders mix in nicely and all the fruit, seeds, berries help improve the flavour.  Stir in with the dry ingredients first.

Great combinations to try

Feel free to use a sugar-free syrup such as yacon instead of honey. Choose your favourite fruit, nut, berry, spice, seed  and milk combination. Ring the changes with different the Flax Farm Porridges and Muesli.

  • Sliced fig, chopped walnuts, a drizzle of honey, over Fruity Flax (linseed) Porridge
  • Grated apple, berries, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon and a few  berries with Traditional Flax Muesli or any porridge
  • Orange and or grapefruit diced, over Golden Flax Muesli with a drizzle of yacon syrup
  • Sliced peaches, raspberries, ground almonds over any Flax (linseed) Porridge or Muesli
  • Poached plums in their own liquid, no milk needed, over any Flax Porridge or Muesli – top with toasted almond flakes or hazelnuts
  • 1-2 tsp Cocoa or cacao powder, stevia sweetener or other,  sliced pear raw or poached and a little grated fresh ginger or a pinch of powdered ginger.

Choose the right container

Ignore all those beautiful social media pictures of overnight oats overflowing from too small jam jars and glasses.  They might look good but most of the time there’s far too small a helping  to make a decent meal and usually you couldn’t get a spoon into it without spilling it. So choose a good size container.

Ideal containers are large enough to get all your ingredients in and enough space to get your spoon in and give it a bit of a stir before you eat it. If you are travelling a lid to protect and prevent spills is importand. Large jam-jars, pickle jars, Kilner-type jars, even a soup/dessert bowl covered with cling film works.

Making your overnight Flax and Oats

Flax soaks up more liquid than oats and I like my overnight flax and oats quite soft so this recipe calls for more liquid than overnight oats.

My favourite fruit in overnight flax and oats is grated Bramley apple but any variety will do, it bulks the meal up nicely, apples are relatively low carb but they fill you up. Squeeze juice of half a lemon over it to stop the apple  going brown. Place in the bottom of your chosen container and top with the other ingredients.

If you want your overnight flax and oats to look pretty you need to soak the Flax Porridge or Muesli and liquid for about a couple of hours, then it will be firm enough to arrange fruit, berries, yoghurt, nuts etc on top without it sinking. Don’t worry if you don’t have time for such finesse, it will taste just as good in the morning if you put all the ingredients in and close the lid.

Basic Overnight Flax and Oats Recipe

The basic recipe is just Flax Porridge and milk or water left to soak overnight. Depending on what you have or fancy add fruit, berries, seeds, spices, chocolate and sweetening. suggestions below.


  • 50g any Flax Farm Flax (Linseed) Porridge or Muesli
  • 125-150ml liquid, water, milk (any) juice or mix of water and milk
  • Plus whatever else you fancy. Suggestions:
  • 1-2 Tbs Ground or chopped nuts, nut butter, seeds or desiccated coconut
  • An extra tablespoon of ground Flax Farm Flaxseed(Linseed) especially if your digestion or hormones need a little extra help.
  • Fruit any, fresh or frozen,  ½ to 1 apple, banana, pear or peach, 1-2 plums, or other.
  • Berries fresh or frozen
  • Sweeten to taste, I use a few 100% stevia drops, sometimes a teaspoon of honey or yacon syrup because it is so it is almost carb/sugar-free
  • Yoghurt – I prefer fat-free Greek-style 10% protein yoghurt with a tablespoon or two of Flax Farm cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil thoroughly blended in. Any yoghurt, kefir or dairy-free alternative works just fine.
  • Suggested spices: 1-2 tsp grated fresh ginger, a sprinkle of powdered ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1.2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Cocoa or cacao powder, best to stir this in with the dry ingredients first. I find these need extra sweetening, especially the cocoa powder. Try with diced pear and grated ginger for a very luxurious breakfast.

Basic instructions

Place all the ingredients in a covered (leakproof if travelling) container, place in the fridge for at least two hours, preferably overnight and enjoy.



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