3 Delicious Healthy Ways to Enrich Fat-Free 0% Yoghurt with Flax Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

3 Delicious Healthy Ways to Enrich Fat-Free 0% Yoghurt with Flax

Budwig Muesli can be made in advance for travelling

A Much Healthier Alternative

Many adults find “full fat” Greek yoghurt made from whole milk isn’t good for them nutritionally,  Doctors tell us that the saturated fat in yoghurt can cause health problems. It can raise bad cholesterol levels, contribute to a fatty liver and make us fat.  This is ideal for the Budwig Diet flaxseed oil.  If you are following the Overcoming MS recovery plan diet, it is recommended that you use a dairy-free yoghurt alternative.

So instead of dairy fat you uses flax oil which provides omega-3 that most of us need more of in our diet. try this delicious way to enjoy yoghurt and you won’t need omega-3 supplements.

Omega-3 is an important component of many weight loss diets. It is essential for a healthy metabolism and enables out weight control hormones, including insulin, ghrelin and leptin to function correctly.

Tastier Too

0% Greek yoghurt made with skimmed milk can be an acquired taste. A lot of people say they find it tastes a “boring”, “sharp” and “watery”. It might be free from saturates and lower calories but there’s a downside.  It doesn’t fill you up  and leaves you peckish, and if you like to eat it with fruit there is nothing there to help reduce the blood-sugar spike from the fruit sugars.

Here are 2 Flax Alternatives for Extra Richness in Your Yoghurt

Flax Farm Flaxseed Oil provides the good fat Omega-3, ALA,  Alpha Linolenic Acid which most of us don’t get enough of in our diet. It has a mild creamy taste and adding some to fat-free yoghurt makes it taste richer and satisfying and gives us our daily recommended intake of Omega-3

Flax Farm Ground Flaxseed is very rich in soluble fibre which has a smooth creamy feel to it in the mouth plus some omega-3.  Another bonus of soluble fibre is it’s like beta glucans, one gets from oats, that helps lower cholesterol.

3 Healthy Tasty Ways to Use Flax in Yoghurt

  1. Stir between a teaspoonful and three tablespoons of Flax Farm Flaxseed Oil into 100g fat free yoghurt and mix thoroughly until combined. This makes the yoghurt more creamy and satisfying. Enjoy with porridge, muesli,  fruit or even stirred into soup or salads dishes like tzatziki.
  2.  Stir approximately 2 heaped tablespoons of Flax Farm Ground Flaxseed (Bronze or Gold variety) into approximately 100g fat free yoghurt. This is a good size helping to give you the goodness of ground flax.  It sounds a lot but the ground flax almost dissolves into the yoghurt so apart from making it icher, creamier and more substantial you hardly notice it’s there, This will make your yoghurt richer, more satisfying and keep you feeling full for longer. Eat as it is or top with a few berries or chopped nuts.
  3. To 100g fat free Greek yoghurt add 1-3 tablespoons Flax Farm Flaxseed Oil, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) and sweetener to taste (optional) ideally a sugar-free sweetener, you can use Truvia or a more natural sweetener such as stevia leaf extract. Blend well until there is no oil visible.  This is a great healthier alternative to a full fat yoghurt, double or whipped cream, ideal with fruit or other desserts.
    • For the ultimate Flax breakfast or dessert that tastes so delicious that it’s hard to believe it’s super healthy, add to the above two tablespoons Flax Farm Ground Flaxseed, chopped or cooked fruit, berries, chopped nuts and seeds. Depending on how you make it this will be somewhere between Eton Mess and Trifle – family and friends will love it. Very yummy but it contains virtually no saturated fat, but keeps you feeling full, wards off cravings and gives you your daily helping of Omega-3 and dietary fibre.
  4.  These can all be made with dairy-free “yoghurts”.

Healthy alternative to full fat yoghurt, whipped cream or custard.

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