Gluten-free, cereal-free and very low carb
Apples are the fruit of the season. Lots of lovely apples about, Russets, Blenheims, Cox’s and even Bramleys are lovely and need little or no sweetening. They all go really well with linseed and make this a delicious. light but sustaining breakfast.
Linseed makes a great alternative to oats and provides extra nutrition, omega-3, protein and both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre and a lovely nutty flavour.

Fresh Bircher-style Apple Muesli with and Linseed Breakfast
- 50-100 g Low fat quark, yoghurt or non dairy yoghurt
- 15-25 ml Flax Farm Cold-Pressed Linseed (Flaxseed) Oil
- 25 g Flax Farm Gold Ground Linseed approx 2 tbs
- Raw honey , stevia or other sweetener to taste
- 1/4 tsp Ground cinnamon, or to taste optional
- 1 tbs Chopped nuts or seeds
- Thoroughly combine oil and yoghurt/quark.
- Add grated apple, ground linseed, cinnamon, honey or sweetener to taste.
- Top with chopped nuts.
- Enjoy