Why Oats Can Be a Problem
Unexplained Symptoms? Tummy pains, digestive upsets, aching joints, brain fog, stiffness, skin problems?
Gluten isn’t the only issue with grains. Wheat, barley, oats, and rye are all close cousins in the cereal family and contain other proteins that can be problematic for some people. One of these is amylase-trypsin inhibitors (ATIs). These compounds help protect cereal plants from insects and pathogens. While they make cereal crops successful – allowing them to grow well and resist pests – they can also cause health issues in humans. ATIs can attack the gut lining and trigger inflammation throughout the body. Research has linked them to various health concerns, particularly affecting digestion and the immune system.
It’s Only a Problem for Some People
Humans have been exposed to ATIs since the beginning of agriculture, about 10,000 years ago. Over time, we have adapted to tolerate these compounds, which is why most people can eat grains without (significant) issues. However, some individuals—especially those whose ancestors were hunter-gatherers until more recent times—may not be as well adapted to grain consumption.
Unfortunately, if you experience issues with these foods, most people, including doctors, may not understand. If you’ve tested negative for celiac disease but still have symptoms, you may be diagnosed with IBS instead.

Why I Created an Oat-Free Range
For years, I struggled with joint pain and skin issues whenever I ate wheat, even in small amounts. The symptoms usually appeared two to three days later, making it difficult to link them to porridge, bread or pasta. For a long time, I attributed the discomfort to “old age”—even though I was only in my early thirties! At the time, food intolerances weren’t widely recognized, and because my symptoms weren’t gastrointestinal, doctors dismissed the issue. At one point, my symptoms became so severe that I was scheduled for lupus testing—an autoimmune condition now linked to ATIs in some people but changing my diet, to avoid all cereals – even oats – did the trick so I didn’t bother to need to tested.
After I had eliminated wheat from my, I noticed that consuming large amounts of oats would trigger similar symptoms of the wheat, always appearing two or three days later. I love oats—they’re a fantastic food, even if I can’t eat them often. Oats famously kept the Scots fighting fit! I can tolerate them in moderation (about three times a week), but on other days, I have to choose different foods to manage my symptoms.
Oats contain avenin, a gluten-like protein that can cause issues for coeliacs and others. They also contain ATIs, which can be problematic – even in certified gluten-free oats.
When I was working long days at farmers’ markets, I needed nourishing food. Unable to buy ready-made options because most contained wheat or oats, I started making my own. That’s how the Flax Farm Oat-Free, Gluten-Free range was born.
What’s in Our Oat-Free Range?
Flax Farm’s oat-free products include flaxseed-based Flaxjacks and Flax porridge with buckwheat, millet, brown rice,and quinoa which are made without oats but are delicious and nutritious. Our ground flaxseed, available in both bronze and gold varieties, is naturally oat-free and free from ATIs. If you’ve been experiencing oat-related issues, our Oat-Free range, rich in mucilage and omega-3, can help support digestion and soothe your gut. Ground flaxseed also nourishes the gut microbiome, promoting a healthy digestive tract lining that may help protect you if you accidentally consume ATI-containing foods.
Replacing the goodness of oats with Flax
Finding foods to replace oats and fill you up is fairly easy. But replacing nutritional benefits of oats takes a bit more thinking about. Oats are a good source of plant protein. When oats are cooked as a porridge it becomes gelatinous and slimy, this thick gloopiness is caused by soluble fibre known as beta glucans. Oats are one of the best sources of the soluble β-glucans which have been shown to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and can protect against heart disease.
As the oats go through the digestive tract the β–glucans helps slow the system down which reduces blood glucose spikes, improving satiety, keeping you feeling fuller and less inclined to snack. The fibre in oats is fermentable by gut microbes and protects the gut. This in turn helps generate faecal bulk which makes going to the loo regular and easy. glucans
What Are the Alternatives to Oats?
If you suspect you have an issue with ATIs, don’t panic. You may still be able to consume a limited amount of oats on some days without a problem. On other days, you can enjoy alternatives.
Ground Flaxseed added to whatever else you fancy for breakfast makes a great alternative to oats,
Flax v Oats
Flax is richer in minerals and trace elements (Copper, iron, magnesium,. manganese, phosphorous and zinc.)
Flax is rich in omega-3
Flax is higher in plant protein
Flax contains three times the amount of soluble fibre
Flax’s lignans make it higher in antioxidant power
Flax is ATI-free and tummy friendly
What to have as an alternative to oat porridge porridge for breakfast:
As quick as porridge to cook:
- Stewed fruit with ground flaxseed and other seeds
- Mashed banana with flaxseed and coconut
- Quinoa flakes
- Buckwheat flakes
- Millet flakes,
- Flax Farm Special Porridge (Flaxseed, millet, brown rice, and quinoa)
Takes 20-30 minutes
- Fonio,
- Maize
- Brown rice
- Amaranth
If you eliminate oats and other ATI-containing grains for a week or two and notice an improvement in your symptoms, it could be a clue that they are the cause. There are no specific treatments beyond reducing or avoiding problematic foods. Over time, you’ll learn how much you can tolerate and how to balance oats with other foods to stay symptom-free.
Flax Farm Oat-Free Range = Extra Nutritious
At Flax Farm, when we create oat-free foods, we don’t replace them with empty, starchy calories. Instead, we use nutrient-dense whole (pseudo) grains packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Our products include buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and brown rice, all enhanced with protein, fibre, omega-3, and other nutrients from bronze and gold ground flaxseed.
The result? Delicious, nutritious foods that support gut health and overall well-being.
If you’re looking for a natural way to support your health while avoiding oats, Flax Farm’s Oat-Free range is here to help!