Gremolata with cold-pressed linseed oil Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Gremolata with cold-pressed linseed oil

Gremolata with linseed (flax seed) oil healthy sauce with omega-3

Tasty and versatile

I love this gremolata; it’s fresh, garlicky and versatile and add amazing flavour to almost anything. It is a variation on a plethora of herby oil-based sauces including salsa verde, green sauce and pesto.  Traditionally gremolata is served with fish or beef but it’s also great with roasted vegetables, salads, wonderful with pulses and lovely in bean or lentil soup. Sometimes I just stir it into pasta or rice or when I want something savoury it’s tasty on a rice-cake. Using our Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed (flax seed) oil brings out the creaminess of the garlic and of course adds lots of healthy omega-3

Quick and easy

Gremolata is one of the quickest, easiest things to make and most flavoursome, for me it is the best return on effort for anything I make in the kitchen. You don’t need to worry too much about quantities, it’s really tasty whatever you do, sometimes you may want to add extra oil to process it.  It is best to use a small food processor for speed but chopping the parsley  and garlic very fine and giving it a good mashing in a mortar and pestle is easy works just as well.

Healthiest ingredients

Apart from being very tasty gremolata made with Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed (flax seed) oil must be the all-time healthiest sauce. Parsley, has the goodness of a green, leafy vegetable and has always been renowned for its blood-purifying properties, garlic is brimming with health benefits and our Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed oil is an ultra rich source of omega-3 so just a little of the sauce is really going to top up the nutrients in any meal.

Gremolata with linseed (flax seed) oil healthy sauce with omega-3
Gremolata with linseed (flax seed) oil healthy sauce with omega-3
Gremolata with linseed (flax seed) oil healthy sauce with omega-3

Gremolata with cold-pressed linseed oil

A simple, tasty Italian sauce made healthier with cold-pressed linseed (flax seed) oil.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Dip, Main Dish, Salad, Sauce, Snack, Spread
Cuisine Anti-inflammatory, Budwig Diet, Dairy-free, Digestion-friendly, Gluten free, Healthy, Italian, Linseed oil, low carb, Low GI, Omega-3, OMS Diet, Paleo, Raw, Saturated-fat free, Slimming, Therapeutic, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wheat-free
Servings 4


  • 1-1.5 cups Flat-leaved parsley
  • 1-4 cloves garlic Depends on size of cloves and how much you like garlic
  • 1 lemon Zest and 1-2 tsps to half the juice
  • 1/2-1 cup oil Flax Farm Cold-Pressed Linseed (Flaxseed) Oil Or a little more to make it into a sauce if needed
  • Salt Optional
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • A little pinch of chil Not too much, it's not meant to be hot, just piquant.


  • Zest the lemon
  • Press the juice and use between 1-2 teaspoons and half the juice, depending on size of lemon and personal taste.
  • Either finely chop parsley and garlic by hand with knife and combine with other ingredients in mortar and pestle. Or place everything food processor and whiz, The aim is finely chopped and amalgamated not a smooth purée.
  • Store in a jar in the fridge for up to 5 days.
    Italian Gremolata with linseed (flax seed) oil healthy sauce with omega-3



I don't usually use cups, it's really not British, but in this instance it is the most practical. After you have made it a couple of times you won't bother with measurements, just do it by eye which is much quicker.


This has so much flavour I don't need salt but it is quite normal to include a pinch. I like to use Sunshine salt, which is very rich in minerals and vitamin D so adds to the health benefits.

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