Michael Mosley – Just one Thing – Try Flax Seed
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001zvvr 06 Jun 2024.
Michael Mosley’s podcast Try Flax (aka Linseed) – Just one “thing you can do, that really can benefit your body and life”.
In this podcast he looks at what Flax is, the benefits of eating Flax for health and how to use it.
Flax (Linseed) was new to Dr Mosley, he thought he knew all about anti-inflammatory foods, until he discovered Flax. A food “with widespread health benefits”. The podcast discussed how Flax can help you look better, feel better and improve health internally. By the end of the podcast he tells us he was now a convert to a daily sprinkle of ground Flaxseed.
Just 1-2 tablespoons per day to help cardiovascular health
He also recruits a volunteer, Rena, as a tester and recommends she starts with one tablespoon per day, increasing to two tablespoons per day of flax in a powdered form “because the nutrients are better absorbed”, added to “yoghurts, salad or any way you want”. See Flax Farm’s recipes and our page about ground Flax for ideas of how to fit Flax into your daily routine. Dr Mosley believed Flax would be good for Rena, because she has a family history of cardiovascular issues, She was pleased that the rest of her family happily took to Flax too.
Lighter and Brighter, Helps make better food choices
Rena use of Flax includes, 1 tablespoon onto yoghurt and 1 tablespoon generally sprinkled onto food. After 4 days Rena finds she feels “lighter and brighter”, “definitely making better food choices” and “eating more mindfully“. We put this down to the fibre in Flax, helping with slow-release energy, which helps prevent cravings as well as the omega-3. This is one of the reasons Flax is included in many weight loss diets.
Canadian study, proven health benefits
Dr Grant Pierce talks about a major year long double blinded, placebo controlled randomised trial, the most tightly controlled trial you can do. They added ground Flaxseed (he said it was important to grind Flaxseed, or the goodness doesn’t get absorbed) to biscuits, cakes and muffins. Volunteers initially received 20g of Flax per day, increasing to 30g. He reported the trial gave wonderful results, improving blood tests for many common cardiovascular conditions, indicating just 30g per day of ground Flaxseed can help you live a longer healthier life.
Fibre for digestion and blood sugar levels
A study published in 2020 found that using 30g ground Flaxseed was beneficial for regularity and helped slow the absorption of carbohydrates and helped lower blood sugar levels across the day.
Flax for Cardiovascular health
Dr Mosley had struggled with his cardiovascular health, so he was interested in the Canadian study. Dr Grant Pierce from the University of Manitoba in Canada explained to Dr Mosley that Flaxseed is unique in having three powerful disease-controlling nutrients and how they contribute to long term cardiovascular health.
1, Omega-3
ALA, Alpha linolenic fatty acid, Omega-3 is one of the powerful nutrients in Flaxseed. It is a hard to get enough of it in our western diet, but ground Flaxseed or Flaxseed oil makes it easy to add to your diet. It works throughout the body helping different body systems fight common Western diseases.
2. Fibre
Soluble fibre in oats has a reputation for helping lower cholesterol and a Canadian study showed Flax is also high this sort of fibre, in fact it is more than three times higher in Flaxseed. It is also an aid to keeping you regular!
3. Lignans
Perhaps because of being so rich in omega-3, soluble and insoluble fibre, lignans are a somewhat overlooked component of Flaxseed. Lignans are a category of antioxidants that play an important role in fighting disease and keeping us healthy. Lignans are one of the most powerful antioxidants and the lignans in Flaxseed are reported as being 800% more powerful than vitamin E.
ALA the magic for the skin
A German study showed women using Flaxseed experienced less sensitivity and improved plumpness and hydration of the skin. After years of attending farmers’ markets and meeting our customers, we often noticed our new customers developing a healthy youthful glow to their skin after becoming customers and regularly consuming our Flaxseed oil or ground Flaxseed. The scientists conducting the study put this improvement down to ALA, Alpha-linolenic fatty acid, the essential good fat, omega-3 of which fFax is our best dietary source of.
How to Use Flax
- Ensure it is ground so you absorb the nutrients. He recommended ground Flaxseed as an option. He reports it has a nice nutty taste.
- Use about 30g, 3 “heaped tablespoons” per day
- You add it to food:
- Porridge
- Cereal
- Bread
- Muffins
- Bagels
- Biscuits
- Smoothies
- Salads
- Or sprinkle it over pretty much anything else
Dr Mosley’s Flax Smoothie recipe
- 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
- some berries
- milk
- a dash of cinnamon powder
and blend. Enjoy; “Just One Thing you can do that really can benefit your body and life”.
Dr Mosley's Flax Smoothie Recipe
- 1 heaped tablespoon Flax Farm Ground Flax
- Milk any
- Berries any
- a dash of cinnamon optional
- Place ingredients in blender and whiz. Enjoy
