Creamy, delicious, healthy, no dairy, no saturated fat
This is a delicious alternative to ordinary dairy cream or yoghurt and a great way to get a bit more of our lovely Flax Farm Cold-Pressed Linseed (Flax) oil and omega-3 into your diet.
60% fewer calories of double cream
Double cream 280 calories but the same helping of this lovely banana cream is only 111 calories! For most dishes I now prefer it.
Versatile, amazingly quick and simple to make
It doesn’t taste very too much of banana but it’s absolutely luscious. It is made in seconds, quicker than it takes you to read the recipe. I use it for glorious breakfasts and delicious healthy desserts.

(Dairy-free) Linseed Banana Cream
Simple, dairy-free, omega-3 rich alternative to cream or custard.
- 1 Banana, peeled
- 1-1.5 Tbs Flax Farm Cold-Pressed Linseed (Flaxseed) Oil
- A few drops Vanilla Essence Optional, to taste
- A little stevia or other for sweetening Optional, about the equivalent of 1-2 teasoons sugar
- Place all the ingredients in a blender and whiz until smooth. If you haven't got a blender, the recipe works just as well if you simply mash with a fork until smooth.
- Serve over breakfast or dessert and enjoy.