Simple Flax Bread Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Simple Flax Bread

Simple Flax Bread, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo

Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo Bread

A variation of this recipe was given to us by a friend’s friend who really wanted us to go into production so he could buy the bread from us. This is our version, it makes a nice loaf. bread rolls or even pizza base.

Truly Paleo

They always say there’s nothing new under the sun; linseed bread like this has been around for thousands of years; it is authentically paleo.  One of the first examples of linseed  as food was simple bread cakes like this, made from ground linseed, found in the rucksack of a northern European paleolithic man.

Simple Flax Bread, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo
Simple Flax Bread, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo

It only has three ingredients, ground linseed (flax), water and salt, all mixed together and baked in the oven that’s it!

All the goodness of Ground Linseed

It really is bread and nicer tasting than any wheat free bread I have tried from shops. It’s not a bad texture either.  Another bonus is it’s really filling and sustaining but not fattening because it’s carb-free and it has all the omega-3 and digestion-friendly fibre that Flax Farm ground linseed is famous for.


If you are following a ketogenic diet for weight-loss or health this bread is perfect for you as it has virtually no available carbohydrate  and all the fibre in linseed helps slow down the absorption of other carbohydrates.

Salt-free bread?

If you need salt-free, amazingly this linseed bread when made without salt tastes much better than salt-free bread made from wheat so fee free to leave the salt out. I find the salt content of whatever dip or spread I am using just about enough seasoning when I am being strict on salt.

More paleo and ketogentic:

If  you are want to find out more about in paleo or ketogenic diets, the benefits and recipes see “The PK Cookbook – go paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both words” by Doctor Sarah Myhill

Remember  Ground Linseed is one of the foods of our stone-age ancestors and it is also one of the very best foods for a ketogenic diet.  Find both freshly ground gold and bronze linseed in the Flax Farm Shop.



Simple Flax Bread, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo

Simple Flax Bread, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo

Quick Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Carb-Free, Vegan, Paleo, Flax Bread
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Baking, Breakfast
Cuisine Dairy-free, Digestion-friendly, Gluten free, low carb, Low fat, Low GI, Omega-3, OMS Diet, Paleo, Saturated-fat free, Slimming, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wheat-free
Servings 10 slices


  • 225 g Flax Farm ground linseed this is one mini pack of Flax Farm gold or bronze ground linseed.
  • 240 ml warm water
  • 4 g Salt (optional) I sometimes use a scant teaspoon Maldon sea salt


  • Grease a one pound loaf tin with butter, olive, coconut oil or other oil. If you haven't got a loaf tin use some other casserole or similar or just use a greased or parchment-lined baking tray.
  • Mix ground linseed, salt and water together until a nice smooth dough and no longer sticky. Roughly form into loaf shape.
  • Place dough in greased loaf tin and press into corners or form into a single round loaf and place on a baking tray. Alternatively form into a small tangerine sized rolls or 6-8 "bread-sticks".
  • Bake at loaf in tin at 170 Centigrade for one hour. If free form loaf check after 45 minutes. Rolls or bread-sticks can be ready after 25 minutes but best judged by eye and touch (it needs to feel firm) until you get used to the recipe.Turn out of oven and leave to cool on rack.

17 thoughts on “Simple Flax Bread

  1. Josef Florian Micallef says:


    This looks great. Is it really this simple? Most recipes I found for flaxbread online are for flaxbread and if not, include either eggs or some form of other flour / raising agent if vegan.

    Just some questions…does the water need to be hot to mix with the flax? And could you do this with yeast to make it higher / fluffier?

  2. Denise Belgacem says:

    I love this bread, but I could easily eat the whole loaf smothered in butter, I’ m addicted to fkaxseed bread, and I am worried about eating to much. please can aanyone give me some idea how much I can eat on the keto diet in one day?

    • Clare Skelton says:

      Denise I am glad you are enjoying it. I am amazed by how good it is it every time I make it. I love it for being low GI/virtually carb-free, gluten-free which is essential and now I think I’d prefer it to ordinary bread. Keep spreading the word how good healthy can taste! Clare

    • Clare Skelton says:

      It’s a great addition to the keto diet and solves a lot of the health issues and digestive problems. Also linseed/flax sills you up well and the omega-3 helps make your weight-loss hormones work better which means proportionately smaller waist and you will find it easier to keep the weight off too. Two or three slice a day is OK but also depends on what shape you make the loaf.

  3. Fiona Timmins says:

    Hi Denise from New Zealand, you have convinced me to try this recipe! As far as your “addiction” goes, I have read elsewhere that sometimes your body craves nutrients, and will let you know! Perhaps you really need what the flax bread has to offer. Before anyone says, “Does that mean it’s okay to crave sugar then…”, I have also heard it said, and experienced this, that a craving for sweet things is the body telling you that your nutrition needs to be bumped up to provide more energy – so perhaps a person craving sweet things may need more nutritious food in their diet. Good quality food (organic unless absolutely not possible), and eating a rainbow of colours every day. In the USA most people only get 17 nutrients from their food. Guess how many the body actually needs – around 83!! Some people do better with higher fat, some with higher protein and some animal products, and some people do well on a wholly plant based diet. I say, satisfy your craving, and take note of what happens in a few days!! Highly nutritious these flax seeds!

  4. Denise Belgacem says:

    It’s very taste and easy to make I’ve tried mixing it with other seeds and works just as well. Still don’t know how much bread should be part of a Keto diet?

    • Clare Skelton says:

      The advantage linseed (flaxseed) has over other seeds is it sticks together easily and it is far lower in available carbs than other seeds or nuts, nearly all the carbohydrate in the nutrients is fibre, which is what the keto diet needs.

  5. Mary says:

    Love this bread also.
    Two of the comments above contain questions, why haven’t you answered them.
    My bread turns out a little sticky and or with ‘air holes ‘ what can I do to rectify.

  6. Letter girard says:

    Would love to do the bread, but I’m worried about the recipe, how does it rise ? Because there is no baking powder. Thank you for
    You’re response .

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